Catching up ... November 24, 2017 16:49
Greetings Earthlings,
Yes quite literally, I last blogged in July (and, with the absolute intentions of being regular and punctual with all future blogs) and yet again ... here I am, apologising, feeling embarrassed again ... such a reasonably straight forward task and yup, epic fail ... ha ha ... it has been really like 'between a rock and a hard place' yes I know, before you say it (I can hear it in my ear) thats not an excuse! No, but seriously, you set off with the best intentions and then suddenly you've just gone on a little too far and it seems impossible to compile a catchup or your busy, or your not in the mood, or when you do have time your minds not in the zone ... not sure if anyone else out there suffers the same deal and can offer some advice, would love to hear your thoughts?
Okay RIGHT (enough rambles) Let's get RAMBLING!
So, July was eventful, half of us got a couple of days in Amsterdam which was very EPIC indeed ... from classic culture, architecture, riverboats, open bus tours, great pancakes to the Sex Museum and the Cat Museum ... might just be all you need?
We shall keep it clean ....
Soon after this our 'step brother' Alex who incidentally stole off to Las Vegas and got married to his long term sweetheart Kelsey (CONGRATULATIONS) came to visit ... another lets just be mild on this 'Gear Head' came with his '70 Chevy Nova and then ensued endless car talk, beers. BBQ, more car talk and more beer followed by some outdoor snoozing and the next morning some car driving and photographing at RAF Coltishall (as you do on a Sunday).
Here are the lovely married couple with their '70 Nova.
It all seems to be a little bit hazy now but the theme of the summer was either commitments, shows and guests ... Retro Festival 2 was a blast and great to catch up with Debbie and Anna, meet several of our lovely customers, some new, some old ... all whilst being entertained by Sam and Voodoo Betty's Boutique.
These guys were awesome ... The Like Minded Fools
Here was our stall, and the weather pretty much behaved too!
As for August, well we got a new kitten to join the team ... his name is 'BEAR' and he's fast growing up already ... we had a few weeks of serious cat politics and moving around the house was a little like going into decompression chambers in a submarine, equalising pressure and water etc ,,, just a little crazy!
Here is Bear.
Things really are fuzzy right now (laughing as I'm writing) ... trips to Brighton, Lincoln, Preston, Ipswich ... then came Autumn ... Halloween, Fireworks oh ... we then attended Alex & Kelsey's wedding party in Rickmansworth ... there was Coors Light on tap ... all fun yet a bitterly cold night for the panoramic view we had a firework shows and private fireworks all around NW London.
So, were virtually caught up!
A few futures ... we are going to put together a little gift guide in the next blog-
For Her / For Him / For The Home kinda thing and also we hopefully will have a little 'Give Away' for the build up to Christmas.
Don't forget to check out our Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals.
We are also in stock of new lines and are just sorting out some new colours and styles on our Lawn & Patio furniture so expect a lot more information on that to follow shortly.
Just to mention we have 'Seafoam Green' Coolers back in stock!
Okay Folks ... thank you for reading through our catch up blog ... have a great final few days of November and I will be back with you very shortly to run through new products!
Happy Trails
Mr Ed